P 5 Time Line

Time Line for hosting a Nationals

August preceding the bid:

Find a grounds, have the grounds inspected by a Nationals board member. (must be done at least 3 months before the bid is placed) Nail down the prices; get a tentative contract contingent on winning the bid.  Pick your officers.  They should be someone who has attended a lot of Nationals and are well organized’

Put a bid book together.  Make 18 copies to be shared during the bid process.

The book should include the application form.  List all members, a map of the grounds, an agreement between you and the grounds and a budget.

Decide how you are going to get your front money for the flyers.  Selling ads almost pays for them.  You don’t need a lot of money prior to the July Nationals


Attend the bid secession at Council of Councils.  Bring at least one of your officers with you along with the bid books and pictures of the grounds

After receiving the bid get to work soliciting ads for the flyer while you can ask the other councils and clubs face to face


Get working on the art work and theme if you have not decided on the theme.  Get your committee heads selected and set goals to be accomplished by each committee.  Set up regularly scheduled meeting to make sure things are on track.

April:   Your artwork should be almost complete.  It needs to be submitted to the National

              Truck-in board for approval by the beginning of May.

May:   Submit your artwork and flyer to Coop for approval by the 2nd week of May.

            If you are going to give a pre-reg gift it’s time to decide and get the order in.


            Have your flyers printed.  Check the contract to see the required number of flyers.

            Decide on how you are going to sell your event at the Nationals.


            Go to the Nationals.  Sell pre-regs.  You can do a raffle if you want to.  Promote,        

            Promote, Promote, Now the real work begins.

            Start going to events to sell pre-regs.

            Check out the vendors and see if any will come to your event.

            Start looking for certified van judges


            You should start looking for your bands.

            Games should be in the works.

            All committees should have good reports on where they are.

            Start getting your goodie bag and door prizes together.

            Continue attending events to sell pre-regs.

            Gate procedures should be in place.

Start putting your time line together for the bible so you know how many games both children and adult you have time for.  How many bands do you want to have? Do you really want the responsibility of a burn out and can you get insurance for it.  What day will the van show be.  If Friday what are you going to do van related on Saturday (Local Show, Parade to town?)                                    

Do you have a list of van judges?

Are your golf carts ordered?  Are you going to let people rent them? If so, how much?

Port a johns do you have a line on them?

Do you need Portable Showers ?

Ice you should have your vendor by now.


Get your sponsorship letters out.  Don’t wait too long because most company’s only have a limited budget for giveaways. Visit the local area and get to know what services are available.  Explain what you are doing and get them to sponsor ads, giveaways, and door prizes.

Start looking for event insurance.


You should be looking for trophies by now and have a handle on what kind you want and where you are going to get them or who is going to make them.

The bands should be pretty much nailed down. 

Vendors at least the main ones need to have a contract.


            Take a break and enjoy the holidays


Get a good committee report and decide on who is going to the Council of Councils.  Decide if you need a raffle at Council of Councils.

Get your first aid plan together.  Get updates together for the meeting.

If you insurance is not with the grounds get looking it will take a while to find insurance


6 months to go.  Go to Council of Councils.  Have a report on your event ready for the Board.  Give your first aid plan.  Have a check for the royalty of $1.00 per van that you have pre-reg to date to turn in to the Nats Board.


            Do you have your vendors ready.

            Anything sold with the logo on it must be approved by the board.

            Get working on the bible;

            Need banners get it done now?

            Trophies how are they coming

April:  3 months before the event

            Gate, games, Ice, Van show should be pretty much set.

Send the updated info on your event to the Nats Board so they can send out a post card reminding people to Pre-reg and letting them know what’s new about the event


            The push is on to finalize the bible.  Sell the trophies, get judges.

            Get the game things together.

June:   that all important committee meeting to make sure everything is in place


It here your big event.  Have fun, smile, enjoy all your hard work, it will be over before you know it.

I strongly recommend you have a committee head meeting each night to make sure thing are going as planned and who needs last minute help etc.

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