P 4 Application Form

Application form                                                                    

Thank you for your interest in applying to host the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â INC.  

THE NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â BOARD INC. has determined that the following criteria must be met:
1.      Established club for at least 5 years. 
            2.   Have attended the 2 Nationals previous to your application.
            3.   Have proposed dates during the last three weeks of July.

            4.   Have a commitment from a campground large enough to host the event.

            5.   The event must be held in the United States of America.

            6.   Be willing to provide live entertainment.  Must have live bands three nights.

7.   Be able to provide a certificate of insurance for a minimum blanket liability of two million dollars (2,000,000.00) Insurance must include the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â BOARD INC.

8.   Application form must be completed and submitted to a Board Member of the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â INC.  A Board member must see the site prior to the Council of Councils meeting at which the event is proposed.

9.   Formal presentation of your application must be made to the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â     BOARD INC.  at the February meeting of the Council of Councils.

10.  When possible the contract will be awarded for the next year’s NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â  at the February Council of Councils meeting.
            i.e., February 2008 contract for the 2009 NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â

11. The minimum of 7,500 minimum amount of flyers in size of 11”x17” or 5,000 11”x17” and an additional 2,500 flyers in any combination of any of the following 11”x6” two sided postcard style, two sided 8.5”x11” or two sided 4”x6” postcard size (using the printing specks from Item 3 below) or 7,500 of 11”x17” 7 and be “ full” color using process color lithographic printing on glossy stock paper.   The National Truck-In Board â has contracted a dedicated designer that will provide pre-press ready fliers for the chosen printer.  The flyers may be printed and delivered with the costs covered by the winning host.    See the contract Item 3 for full details

12. Dash plaques and sticker must be three color and be the shape of the U.S.A. The Dash plaque will be supplied by the National Committee and paid for by the Host upon receipt.

13.  Host Club will pay $1.00 per van attending the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â to the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN BOARD â.   The dollar per van for all of those vans registered prior to the Council of Councils meeting in the year of the event is payable at the Council of Council meeting of the same year.
Thanks again for your interest and if you have any questions please contact one of the members of the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â BOARD.



1.            Name of Host Group: ____________________________________________________________

2.            Doing business as: _______________________________________________________________

3.            State corporation licensed/chartered:  ________________________________________________

4.            Mailing address of Corporation ____________________________________________________

5.            Contact person: __________________________ Position _______________________________

6.            Day phone (      )  ____________ Night phone (      )_____________ Fax (      )______________             

7.            Name and address of Host Club or Clubs that will be assisting with the Event: _______________
*All host clubs or host must be listed.  Additional room has been provided on the last page for this information.

8.            Club membership at present: ___________ 6 mo. ago: __________ 1 yr. ago: ___________

9.            Number of chapters (if any) ________
               Has your club attended or participated in a NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â?_____ YES _____ NO
               year(s) ______________________________________________________________________

10.          Please list any local/national events your club has sponsored:
               Year                      Event Name                                       Approximate.  of Vans
               _______               __________________________                    _______________
               _______               __________________________                    _______________
               _______               __________________________                    _______________
               _______               __________________________                    _______________
               _______               __________________________                    _______________

11.          Is club/council individually insured?  ____ yes ____ no
               If so Corporation: _______________________________________________________________
               Address __________________________________________ Phone (      ) _________________
               Other: _______________________________________________________________ 1
12.                       General Liability                Primary Amount __________ Excess Amount _________
                            Accident and Health          Primary Amount __________ Excess Amount _________
                            Property Casualty                             Primary Amount __________ Excess Amount _________

13.          Location of Event site (Name of Facility) (see a): ______________________________________
               City ___________________________ State _______ Zip ________ Phone (     ) _____________                               
The site must be seen by a member of the National Truck-in Committeeâ at least 3 months prior to the Council of Councils meeting at which the bid is presented.

14.          Dates of the Event:  _________________________ Opening and closing hours of the event


15.          Number of Vans proposed National Truck-inâ site will hold: ____________________________

16.          Please provide the following information regarding the proposed National Truck-in â site and facilities: (see Page six).


               Accessibility and Facilities                                            Telephone            Trash containers

               Nearby Highways                                                           Water                   Port-a-Johns

               Food and Beverage                                                         Electricity            Ice

               General Description (shade trees etc.)                          Showers               HANDI cap access


17.          Event’s estimated attendance, daily and total: _________________________________________


18.          Security provide by: _____________________________________________________________

               Average number of security personnel per event day: __________________________________

               What kind of communication will be used? __________________________________________

19.          Medical Care provided by: _______________________________________________________

               Average number of medical personnel per event day: __________________________________

               Hospital: ____________________________________number of miles away _______________

20.          Is Event site controlled by local ordinances?     Yes_____ No_____

               Does this include health inspections?                 Yes _____ N0 _____

21.          Describe any safety measures/risk management plans in effect.  Does this include an Emergency Evacuation plan?  _____________________________________________________________________________________

. _____________________________________________________________________________________

22.          What is your estimated dollar investment, before return, on the Event? ____________________

23.          Do you plan to have Vendors?        Yes _____ No _____

24.          If Vendors are not required to provide certificate of insurance to you, submit a complete list of all vendors, including their goods and/or type of display.    

25.          Is there outside sponsorship?    Yes _____ No _____

26.          If outside sponsorship, submit complete list of all sponsors, including their goods and/or type of display. 

27.          Entertainment:

               A.           Have you decided on the number/types of bands you wish to procure?   Yes _____ No _____

               B.           How long is each show and times/dates: ______________________________________

28.          What form of safe transportation (i.e. shuttle bus service) will be provided at the National Truck-Inâ? ____________________________________________________________________


29.          In order to keep in the tradition of the National Truck-Inâ we request that the host club sign a contract with the National truck-Inâ Board.  The National Truck-Inâ contract has specific requirements that the host club must meet which include, but is not limited to:

               A.           All requirements set forth by the Application Form and Contract

               B.           Dash plaques    C.     Window stickers       D.     No flagrant commercialism

30.          We will follow the National Truck-In Board Show and Shine guidelines    Yes _____ No _____

31.          Do you feel your club is willing to sign the contract with requirement such as the above?

                     Yes _____ No _____


32.          When possible a copy of the contract will be signed at the Council of Councils, National Truck-Inâ meeting on Sunday.  The host Club’s bid that has been selected by the National Truck-In Boardâ will be notified on Saturday of the Council of Councils meeting, if for some reason this is not possible all entrants will be notified by Sunday morning.


33.          In what forms do you plan to advertise the National Truck-Inâ? ___________________________________

34.          Please enclose with this application a copy of:

               a.            All contracts/lease agreement/insurance policies

               b.            Diagram and photos of location/set up

               c.            Schedule of Events (both children and adult)

               d.            Current financial statement (last fiscal year)

               e.            Any advertisements (indicate name of publications)

               f.             Contracts between entertainment and council

               g.            Copy of previous insurance policy.

               h.            List of Vendors and Sponsorship, good and /or type of display

               j.             A proposed budget for the event


36.          What are your plans for raising  money for this event? _____________________________


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