P8 Contract Revised 2016
This is a
contractual agreement between the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
Board with a legal address of 1651 Burkehart Ave .San Leandro, CA 94579,
registered owners of the trademark NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
and subsequent numbers referring to the appropriate event, hereinafter called
______here in after called the “HOST CLUB”. HOST CLUB WILL BE INCORPORATED.
It is
agreed that the TRADEMARK HOLDER releases rights to the use of the trademark
NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ and the subsequent number. _____ Use by the HOST CLUB for the period of
the contract, which is for the year of 20__.
Further empowering the HOST CLUB to singularly sponsor, produce,
promote, oversee, and manage the ____ NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ,
hereafter called the “EVENT”.
The dates
for the EVENT will be ______________.
TRADEMARK HOLDER agrees to release its rights to the trademark NATIONAL
The Van Nationalsâ, The Nation’s Premier Van Eventâ
and The Nat’s â (applied) for the period of this contract to culminate
at 6:00 P.M. Mountain daylight time, on the Sunday ending the EVENT. The release is for the use of the HOST CLUB
DENVER, no other club, organization, business, or otherwise may receive any
credit/or publicity as an underwriting party other than both the parties herein
this contracted.
TRADEMARK HOLDER also agrees to relinquish any and all claim to funds raised as
a direct result of fees charged to entrants, commercial space users, sponsors
and all other parties who will pay for either entrance to and/or advertising during
the EVENT EXCEPTION Item 16 on page 3: should the HOST CLUB realize a
net profit from the EVENT after all the expenses have been paid in full, the
HOST CLUB may allocate and/or disburse the remaining amount of funds. A MINIMUM of ten percent (10%) of profits
will be donated to charity stated in this contract, in the area of the
Proof of the donation is required to be submitted, to the TRADEMARK
HOLDER within ninety (90) days from the conclusion of the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ. .
Initials _____ _____ _____
TRADEMARK HOLDER agrees to waive rights to any and all moneys realized from the
EVENT in the form of net profits made by the HOST CLUB: it is agreed by the
HOST CLUB that they will not hold the TRADEMARK HOLDER, NATIONAL TRUCK-IN boardâ,
their officers, directors, members, and person(s) or assigns, responsible for
any debts incurred as a result of the EVENT.
It is further agreed that the HOST CLUB releases the TRADEMARK HOLDER,
NATIONAL TRUCK-IN BOARDâ their officers, directors, members
and any person(s) associated with them or their assigns from any and all
liability and/or responsibility for any act taken by the HOST CLUB or their
representatives before, during and after the EVENT.
CLUB further agrees to the following criteria as a format for producing the
EVENT and/or responsibilities of the HOST CLUB:
ITEM 1 - To negotiate and contract a suitable campground or
other facility with an “ironclad” contract between the HOST CLUB and the
campground. The event will be held in
the United Stated of America.
ITEM 2 - To promote the EVENT via flyers, media releases,
club and council newsletters and verbally, etc.
An adequate supply of flyers must be produced and distributed by the
Host (7500 minimum flyers) distributed as evenly throughout the United States
as possible, Every NATIONAL BOARDâ member (nine total), will be sent 500 flyers
each for the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ, to be
distributed throughout the country.
Initials _____ _____ _____
ITEM 3 - These flyers, press releases, etc., must have a
first mailing deadline of no earlier than twelve (12) months prior to, and no
later than nine (9) months prior to the starting date of the EVENT. Pre-registration for the following years
may not be sold sooner than 24 hours after the gates of the present years
open. Advertising may start after the
opening ceremony. If you are considering
having a warm-up party, it is the obligation of the HOST CLUB to inform the
group sponsoring the warm-up party, that the release of information concerning
the warm-up party, be the same as the Nat’s, in regard to time. A minimum of 25% of the flyers must be mailed
within this time. Nation Truck-InÒ Flier
Specifications. The Nation Truck-InÒ
flier should be a finished size of 11”x 17” and be “full” color using process
color lithographic printing on glossy stock paper. The National Trucking Board
has contracted a dedicated designer that will provide pre-press ready files for
the chosen printer. Fliers will be
printed and delivered with the costs covered by the winning host group. When submitting items for the National
Truck-In flier please consider the following:
Photos are must be high quality color and must be able to be reproduced
at 300dpi resolution. Line art must be
no less than 800dpi resolution. Images
recommended are high quality show vans, family-oriented camping and tasteful
images that represent the theme (if any).
All images must be copy right free or proof of ownership provided. A form will be provided to assist the winning
host group to gather information so that vital information will not be missed
and to create a uniform look.
Flyer must contain
the date of the EVENT, any activities already planned, the location by use of a
small map, entrance fee for both pre-registration and gate (if applies) and
entrant application, Also any other information that the host club can provide
at the time of printing. The flyer must
also include, the name: ROCKY MOUNTAIN VANS of DENVER, and the official logo,
NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ directly adjacent to the name of
the HOST CLUB, i.e.” _________National
Truck-inâ Rocky Mountain Vans of Denver,
Originator . Initials _____ _____
The art work and copy will be done in a professional manner,
No hand lettering will be accepted unless it is done by a capable
artist, No Xerox copies will be used as original flyers, The final proof of the
flyer will be submitted to the TRADEMARK HOLDER for approval before printing,
the TRADEMARK HOLDER will provide approval/disapproval within ten (10) days of
receipt of the proof. Send the artwork
and flyer to Greg Cooper @ 1795 Stringtown Rd. Lancaster, OH 43130. The warm-up Party flyer will not be
attached to the Nationals flyer. It must
be totally separate. Initials _____ _____
ITEM 4 - The facility chosen for the EVENT must provide
adequate campsites, water supply (for domestic use only). Adequate quantities and locations of toilet
and shower facilities, and a good access to all area in use.
ITEM 5 - Dash plaques and window stickers must be given to
all paying entrants at the time of arrival.
Extra dash plaques and window stickers will be sold on a one-to-one
basis after 12:00 P.M. (Noon)
Saturday. The artwork for these items
will be provided by the TRADEMARK HOLDER.
The TRADEMARK HOLDER will also contract to produce the dash plaque and
provide them to the HOST CLUB at cost.
These dash plaques will be delivered to the host club prior to the
event. The HOST CLUB will pay for the dash plaques upon receipt. The HOST CLUB must also supply, to
each paid entrant, a window sticker in the shape of the United States with the
colors Red, White and Blue, running horizontally. The TRADEMARK HOLDER has the die cut for the
stickers and will contract and produce the stickers and provide them to the
HOST CLUB at cost. There are places for
two sponsors outside of the USA border.
We recommend that you get sponsorship for the stickers. NO OTHER DESIGN WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Initials _____ _____
ITEM 5.A. - On this page is a listing of companies that have
worked with past Van National Committees to produce OFFICIAL event
souvenirs. Also find a guideline for the
art work placement for the NATIONAL TRUCK-inâ logo. If the HOST CLUB chooses not to use these
companies, the HOST CLUB must submit a sample for approval to TRADEMARK HOLDER.
1. Nameplate
15618 S.
Main St.
CA 90248
W229 N1477
Westwood DR 12101 Chuck
WI 53186-1153 Hudson,
FL 34669
1-800-236-2036 (813)863-7033
The 16th & 39th NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
has been the best example for, pins, patches, in the last few years. Please use these as your guideline.
ITEM 6. - Merchandising.
The HOST CLUB has the right to contract for assorted merchandise to be
sold during the course of the event such as mugs, key chains, etc. With the exception of T-shirts The official
event t-shirt design must contain the National Truck-in logo prominently
displayed in the colors red, white and blue
in artwork. Any supplemental
designs must contain one of the 2 copyright trade marks The National’s Premier
Van Event®, the Van Nationals. The Van
Nat’s , all cases the NATIONAL
logo must be the predominant feature in the art work, the TRADEMARK HOLDER all
event related and merchandise that implies the said event must be submitted to the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN â BOARD by
May 15th prior to the event for their approval.
Item submitted after this time may not be sold. The Board reserves the right to disapprove
designs deemed offensive or inappropriate.
Any pre-entry incentive must also conform to these guidelines. All merchandise containing the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
and/or logo must be approved by the TRADEMARK HOLDER prior to the sale. This includes all items with the
following. The Van Nationalsâ,
The Nation’s Premier Van Eventâ, National
The Nat’sâ.
Any variation of the wording expressed or implied with the intent to circumvent
the trade makes will not be tolerated.
Any vendor who uses the above without proper permissions from the
National Truck-in Board® or the host club will be removed from the event and merchandise
will be confiscated. Initials _____ _____
ITEM 6a. - This information must be passed on to all of the
vendors attending the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ.
ITEM 6b – The National Truck-in® logo artwork finished and
camera ready will be supplied each year by the National Truck-in Board® to the
host club with-in 30 days of the signing of the contract.
ITEM 6 c – Final artwork for the flyer must be submitted to
Coop by May 1 of the preceding year. It
will be returned to the Host by May 15th.
ITEM 7. - Entertainment must be in
the form of live bands for each night of the EVENT, in lieu of the live band
entertains on Thursday night, the Host may provide other alternative
entertainment such as movie night, DJ, etc.
No limit is set for the number of different bands; however, the HOST
CLUB agrees to contract for at least one band to perform each night of the
EVENT. Also agreeing to contract a cross
section of live musical entertainment.
Recorded music may be used as entertainment in addition to contracted
ITEM 8 - Insurance to be provided by the HOST CLUB at their
own expense in an amount of $2,000,000.00 to cover the TRADEMARK HOLDER, the
NATIONAL TRUCK-IN BOARD and the campground’s minimum requirements, if
Initials _____ _____
ITEM 9 - The EVENT will officially open on a Wednesday at a
time convenient to the campground and the HOST CLUB. But no later than 12:00 p.m. (Noon) The
Event will run Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Arrangements will be made with the campground
to accommodate entrants arriving at the site prior to the official opening. It is not required by the TRADEMARK HOLDER of
the HOST CLUB to provide these campsites free of charge to the entrants. These are minimum requirements. The length of
the EVENT may be longer if the Host Club so desires, but can only be lengthened
by moving the starting item prior to Thursday noon. (i.e. Tuesday or Wednesday) . Initials _____ _____
ITEM 10 - All flyers, press releases, advertising,
promotions, etc. which refer to the EVENT well be worded as the NATIONAL
No other words are to be added, deleted, altered, or
rearranged. All listings of ______
NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ will have an “R” with a circle
around it exactly like the example, which designates NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
as a registered trademark. All printed
material, including the dash plaques, window stickers, and flyers will be
printed in this manner.
ITEM 11 –The Pre-registration fee will a maximum fifty-five
($55.00) sixty-five ($65.00). Any
pre-entry incentive (i.e. T-shirt) is optional to the HOST CLUB. Any camping trailer may be subjected to an
additional fee, not to exceed an entry fee of fifty ($55.00). This fee must be specified on the NATIONAL
flyer. In the event that the $55.00
maximum fee allowed for van pre-entry is inadequate to ensure a reasonable
chance to make a profit by the HOST CLUB, the HOST CLUB may request in writing
that the fee limit be raised by the TRADEMARK HOLDER. The said letter must contain the reason for
the request including but not limited to a cost breakdown of expenditures that
will be incurred as a direct result of hosting the EVENT The TRADEMARK HOLDER will advise the HOST
CLUB within ten (10) day after receipt of the said letter as to its decision
regarding the request to raise the entrance fee limit .
Initials _____ _____ _____
ITEM 12 - The HOST CLUB will pass on to the next hosting
club the pre-entry and gate entry information (names, addresses and phone
numbers) from their previous NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ. Any returned mail will be disregard and taken
off the list.
Initials _____
_____ _____
ITEM 13. - The medical plan adopted by the HOST CLUB, must
be approved by the NATIONAL TRUCK-IN BOARDâ a minimum
of 90 days prior to the event. .
Initials _____ _____ _____
ITEM 14 - The last page of the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
bible must be reserved for, and list, next year’s NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
information. This is to be free of
charge to the hosts.
classifications for the show-n-shine. .
Initials _____ _____
The following is a list of Vehicles that would be accepted
into the Nationalsâ
This list is only to be used at the Nationalsâ
and does not regulate what can or cannot come to any local eVANt. Local eVANt attendance is governed by the
host club and the custom of the area/
Vehicles considered vans in Foreign countries not available
for sale in the US. This is a gray area
and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Beginning in 2007, vans which have won best of show twice
will be ineligible for the best of show award unless enough changes have been
made so as to render the van unrecognizable. These vans will be invited
to participate in a circle of champions for special awards. All vans will
remain eligible for all other best of awards.
Types of vehicles to be let into the Nationals
Panel Truck yes Olds Silhouette Yes
Windowed panel (pre 73) yes Pontiac Trans Spots, Montana Yes
Swat truck/bread truck or step van yes Buick
Terrazza Yes
Explorer motor home (dodge) yes Isuzu Oasis
Ambulance/Van (not Cube) yes Ford Transit (all), Windstar, Yes
Aerostar Yes
VW yes Sprinter (all) Yes
MPV yes Mercury Villager, Monterey Yes
Nissan Quest yes Vantage Van-go
Dodge, Tradesman, Sportsman, Safari, yes Chevy Van, Lumina,
Venture, Savanna, Yes
Dodge, Caravan (all), Voyager, Pacifica yes Chevy
Express, Astro, Beauville Yes
Hand Built box/mutant Vans chassis yes Gypsy yes
HHR Panel yes GMC Van yes
Toyota Sienna, Hi Ave yes Rally yes
Honda Odyssey yes
Nomad (not the car) yes
Econoline yes Chang An Tiger Truck yes
Hearse/Sedan Delivery no
Van up no
Cube Van (ambulance no
Class “C” no
Transvan no
PT Cruiser no
ITEM 16 - HOST CLUB will pay $5.00 per van for the first
1,000 vans attending the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ for the use
of the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ registered trademark. This fee is due and payable in two installments. The first installment of $1.00 per van for
all vans registered by the Council of Councils meeting is due at the Council of
Councils meeting immediately prior to the event. The final installment is due and payable by
12:00 p.m. (noon), at the conclusion of the EVENT.
Initials _____
_____ _____
ITEM 17 - ALL golf carts whether host or personal must have
a headlight and insurance. This
headlight may be a high-power flashlight attached to the cart and the light
must be on after dark. Carts must be operated in a responsible manner. Initials _____ _____
ITEM 18 - Within ninety (90) days of the conclusion the
EVENT, HOST CLUB must submit the cost breakdown for following things listed for
the Board’s information and the possible assistance of future NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ
1. Flyers 7. Other entertainment
2. Grounds 8. Trash collection
3. Insurance 9. Transportation-VANNERS and Host Club
4. Trophies 10. Additional toilets and facilities
5. Bands 11. Dash plaques, pins, patches, stickers
6. Other major
Initials _____
_____ _____
shown proof of fulfillment of this contract, the TRADEMARK HOLDER agrees not to
hold the HOST CLUB responsible for any inconveniences caused by the owner or
manager of the campground; which is:
TRUCK-IN BOARDâ reserves the right to null and void
the contract and withdraw the rights of use to the trademark, NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ,
at any time for the following reasons:
A. The Host (club) corporation disbands:
B. The Host (club) corporation violates
any part of this contract, or
Any officers of the Host (club) corporation are changed.
Initials _____ _____
CLUB agrees to diligently pursue the task of promotion, production,
sponsorship, and management of the EVENT, using this contract as the official
guidelines for the EVENT.
TRADEMARK HOLDER agrees to provide as much assistance as deemed necessary by
its governing body if requested by the HOST CLUB. The TRADEMARK HOLDER reserves the right to
overrule any discussion, policy, or other governing rule which its officer
and/or members deem appropriate for the NATIONAL TRUCK-INâ.
We the
undersigned have read this contract and agree to fulfill all items set out
with-in the contract.
Initials _____
_____ _____
WHERE OF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date written
NATIONAL TRUCK-IN BOARDâ _____________________________________________
Chairman Date
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
Representative Date Chairman Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________________
Representative Date Chairman Date
Attest Date
Judith Pilon Greg
Cooper Howard
817 Wildabon Ave 1795
Stringtown Rd. 276 #1A
Shorewood Dr.
Lake Wales, FL Lancaster,
OH 43130 Glendale
Hts, IL 60139
407-484-2234 614-271+0563 630-363-8267
revised 2016
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