P 9 Planning Info

P9 Planning Info                                                                                                                 revised


We recommend that the Show and Shine be held on Friday. This is to give the Host group time to collate the results and prepare the trophies. 

 We will certify judges and have a pool of judges available to the host group. These judges will still be able to show their vans unless they are hosts, they will not however, be judging their class.  We will have a seminar at Council of Council and the Nationalsâ to certify judges.  All judges must be certified.

We highly recommend that a van related event such as a public show or parade Saturday or games evolving be Vans held on Saturday.

We also recommend that Water and if possible, shade be provided for the participants in the show and shine.  (You could raise money by selling the water at a small profit) You do not want to have anyone in the sun pass out because they forgot to bring water or need a little shade.

Items not to put on the Flyer

Please do not put port-a-pot information on the flyer.  It makes it look like there are no restrooms.  Port-a-pots, barns for rent, golf carts etc. should be in an insert and on your web site.


Walk-ins are not acceptable in the eVANt camping area.  A staff member must accompany any walk-in at all times. 

Walk-ins will be allowed at in Show and Shine area provided it is separate from the eVANt area.


Do notify the local authorities that we will be in the area.  If possible, hire a local officer to sit at the front gate.  That way if there is a problem it will get handled before it gets out of hand.

Show them your flyer.  If you have last year’s bible take it along.

Do tell the local business establishments what to expect.  The local grocery close to the event needs to know that they will need to have plenty of ice, etc. on hand.

Go to a town council meeting if possible and let them know we are coming.

Contact the local Chamber of Commerce.  They can help you with local information.

Ask to be able to put signs welcoming vanners in local businesses.  Ask for discount certificated to put in the bible as ads.  This will help to get the vanners to support the local area.

Speak to the local newspaper about coming out to do an article on our eVANt.

Do not wait until the last minute to do this. The earlier the better.


You can help your vendors by checking out the local and state regulations for vending.  What do they need?  License, Tax certificate, Health Certificate?

This is especially important for food vendors.

Consider lowering your vendor fees to get a bigger variety of vendors.

Do not have more than one T-shirt/event related vendor and try not to have more than two of each variety of vendors other than food vendors.  Too many of any vendor makes for none making money and if they don’t make money they will not come back and you will have to hear the complaints.

We highly recommend that vendors please put the smoking and any other items of this type in the rear.  They may advertise that they have the item but should be out of sight of children.  Bring them out after curfew.


    1. No price changes once a price is established.  Especially when ticket is sold Nationwide. 
    2. Limits on how many Raffles at the Nationalsâ, have an Official raffle registration and when possible an Official raffle badge for those selling tickets.   This is so we don’t have the vanners bugged all weekend and so each recognized raffle has a opportunity to make money.
    3. The raffle should be for the common good of vanning not personal raffle
    4. Friday night or Saturday during the day general raffles should be drawn and posted not called out at the awards presentation             
    5. Saturday night the host group, Nationals Committee and Council of Councils raffles can be drawn at awards presentation.

Ways to make extra money

Have a sponsor for your Flyer.

Sell water on the show and shine and game fields.

If people show up early have a place for them to park and charge extra.

Have sponsors for the Trophies and Booklet.

Ways to save money

Do your own web site.  You can buy a site for about $60.  They are not hard to create.  If you have someone who is even a little computer literate, you can create a site.  Ask your friends for help

Instead of buying pre-reg incentive, reduce the rate for pre-entries by different deadlines such as one price for registration at the Nat’sâ and then one by C of C.

Skip the vanner’s night in or do it in such a way that you can make a little money on it.

Shop around for printing.

Make your own host apparel


Paraphernalia should not be displayed on vendor’s row.  Each state has their own set of laws governing these items.  Please follow the laws or your state.  Vanners know which vendors have these items and can find them if needed.  These items on display send the wrong kind of message to our children as well as local dignitaries and the press when they visit our event.

Paying it forward

We strongly recommend that each club “Pay it forward”.  In the past many host clubs have done some of the following:  After their event preregistered their members for the next event; Some have paid for bands and at the next event or in one case they paid for the use of the track so we could all drive our vans on the speedway at KS.

If you have made money share it with your fellow vanners and they will pay it forward to the next hosts.  This is a good way to keep our sport moving forward.

Update Post Card will be sent in March or April

Update Post Cards:  The National Truck-in Board will pay for a reminder/update post card to be sent out in March preceding the Nationals.  This will be done in a professional manner.  Listing some of the activities you are doing that were not on the flyer.  This update will be sent to about 1400 vanners who have attended the Nationals in the past. Please send your updates by March 15th to Greg Cooper

Post Cards:  You may use a postcard size flyer in addition to the regular event flyer.


Daily entry to the Nats.








no shows



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